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- 주간 카드 보상에는 항상 같은 등급의 카드 3장이 제시되게끔 변경
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- 시나리오 모드 버그 수정
- 게임 오버되는 버그, 클리어 못 하는 버그 등
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- 사용했던 카드를 연속으로 사용할 수 있는 버그 수정
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- 게임 오버 후 홈에서 정석모드 n일째로 등장하는 버그 수정
- 게임 중 자원 오브젝트 애니메이션 이후 자원 오브젝트의 위치가 점점 위로 올라가 자원 UI를 가리는 버그 수정
- 시나리오 모드 버그 수정
Change the basic food requirement to six.
Food requirements increase by six per week.
A new card
Rennie, Chief Justice of the Rural District
an egg basket
a thirty-ball egg plate
Lagato Romagnolo
a conscripted officer
a fruit basket
a bucket
a gwamegi drying rack
a hen house
Card modification
Ugly hunter Yeppi
Change to more intuitive help with hunting builds
a straw nest
Change to more intuitive help with chicken build
downward adjustment
a teapot
downward adjustment
Go get it
downward adjustment
Wandering Storyteller Yuwon
It's not fun even if a dedicated event appears, so I changed it simply
a usury man
Upward adjustment
a truffle
Change to get rewarded without increasing unwanted abilities
Adding an Event
Adding an event to add a fire
Add Features
Add Tutorial
Add confirmation modal when purchasing a store
Add the Give Up Game button to Pause During Game
Reduced probability of high-grade cards coming out of weekly card rewards
Change weekly card rewards to always present 3 cards of the same grade
Add the blueberry acquisition UI to the game results screen
Fixed a bug
Fixed a scenario mode bug
A bug that's over the game, a bug that can't be cleared, etc
Fixed a bug that can be purchased multiple times by pressing Enter several times during the store/advertisement item purchase
Fixed a bug that allowed consecutive use of used cards
Fixed a bug where the green tea card didn't disappear even if you used it and canceled it
Fixed a bug where the variables are initialized when the game is saved and left
Fixed a bug that worked strangely when using a runaway nephew
Fixed a bug that appeared on day n in standard mode at home after game over
Fixed a bug where the position of the resource object gradually rises up after animation of the resource object during the game to hide the resource UI
Deck-building Farming Strategy Game
Status | Prototype |
Author | banjihagames |
Genre | Card Game |
Tags | Board Game, Deck Building, Farming, Singleplayer, Turn-based Strategy |
Languages | English, Korean |
More posts
- 0.4Nov 10, 2022
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